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Mentoring for Economists Event

Desmond Boateng

You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself”

— Galileo Galilei

Barely a month after the Mentoring for Nutritionists and Food Scientists program, the Xplore Initiative took a turn at the Economics department of University of Ghana (UG) and the University Of Cape Coast (UCC). MeetMentors and the University of Ghana Economics Students Society (UGESS) and the Association of Economics Students (AES) of UCC put together the Mentoring for Economists on the 17th of July 2021. As the name suggests, the event provided mentoring for young and upcoming economists from the various universities in Ghana and across Africa.

With over 352 registrations and close to 300 participants on the day of program, ranging from the University of Ghana, University of Cape Coast, University of Development Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Bahir Dar University and other universities across the continent.


As typical of the Xplore Initiative, we drew speakers from the fields of Economics, to come and engage with young and budding economists. The first speaker was Mr. George A. Sarkodie, who is also the Founder and Team Lead at MeetMentors. Mr. Sarkodie talked about the the role of mentoring in the pursuit of success and why mentoring is even important in one’s life. Dr. S. Kwaku Afesorgbor, from the University of Guelph, Canada, was the second speaker. Dr. Afesorgbor spoke on the academic career opportunities for young economists, and how to prepare for those opportunities.

A faculty member, Dr Monica Lambon-Quayefio was the third speaker of the day. She talked about what she wished she knew before gaining a degree in economics. She also emphasized on the need for students to network and take up opportunities that present itself to them. The fourth speaker was Dr. Dela-Dem Doe Fiankor, an Agricultural Economist at the Agroscope (The Swiss Confederation's Centre of Excellence for Agricultural Research) in Switzerland. He presented on the non-academic career opportunities in economics and added his own mentoring story.

There was a question and answer session right after the presentations to clear the doubts and answer all questions that arose during the program. We were joined by Dr. Nkechi Owoo, a faculty member at University of Ghana Economics Department, Dr. Selamawit Gegziabher of the University of Addis Ababa, Dr. Ermiyas Ashagrie from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia and team members from MeetMentors to support in answering questions. Almost every question was exhausted, with participants leaving the program with excitement. They couldn’t stop thanking the organizers for putting the event up.

This has always been the focus of the Xplore Initiative and MeetMentors at large - to connect talent with opportunity! Mentoring For Economists was a blast.

For the full event, check our YouTube page in the link below.

MeetMentors would like to take this opportunity to thank the executives of University of Ghana Economics Students Society (UGESS) and the Association of Economics Students (AES) of University of Cape Coast, our guest speakers and faculty, and everyone who supported this event.

If your university department or student association is interested in holding a similar event in collaboration with MeetMentors, contact us via our website or email us-

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