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Angela Anima-Korang


I am a Communications Specialist with a focus on health and technology. As a researcher, my primary focus has been on using communication strategies to improve health outcomes for underserved populations, particularly for people in rural areas. As an educator, I teach primarily Mass Communication, Strategic Communication and Health Communication courses.


Throughout my career, I have had mentors, both officially and unofficially who have helped me to focus my interests. They are a key part of who I am. As a former Fellow of the SIUC Women’s Civic Institute, a program that is designed for women to develop and improve leadership skills, I have come to appreciate even more, the importance of mentor/mentee relationships and the impact that has on our career and sometimes personal lives. I am happy to serve as a mentor and to share the experiences I have had.


  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – Mass Communication & Media Arts, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois, USA 


  • Master of Public Health (MPH) – Health Education, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois, USA 


  • Master of Science (MS) – Mass Communication, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Illinois, USA 


  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) – Information & Communication Science and Technology (Computer Science), Catholic University College of Ghana

  • Mass Communication

  • Media Arts

  • Public Health

  • Health Education

  • Health Communication

  • Strategic Communication

  •  Public Relations

  • Academic Advising


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