Kidist Amde is a Computer Science Lecturer and Project Principal Investigator at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia. She is a current scholar at the African Masters in Machine Intelligence Scholarship (AMMIS) program from Facebook and Google. She is interested in the application of machine learning techniques in areas of Agriculture, Education and Health. She is a mentor at MeetMentors.
“Every great achiever is inspired by a great mentor''
Lailah Gifty Akita

Inspired by an Inspirer
Mr. Yessuf Addis Sedik, is an inspirer! As a first year student at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia, I was always looking out for lecturers who will inspire me unto higher heights. Within a short time, Mr. Sedik Yessuf became one of these people. And, he later became my mentor.
Inspired to Explore
‘‘You need to explore, you need to learn new things everyday’’. Mr. Sedik often advised. Being one of my favourite lecturers, I opened up my mind to be positively influenced by him.
For instance, after I joined the Computer Science department, I had little knowledge of the specific areas in the computer science and technology program. So, at the initial stage, it was very difficult for me to develop goals for the future. However, by the support of my Mr. Sedik, I explored, and through that, got the right information to begin to dream. He helped me set ambitious goals which guided me successfully through my studies.
Inspired to Dream Big
Mr. Sedik continues to inspire me to be a part of Tech-Move in Ethiopia. His frequent follow ups have contributed to the person that I am today.
The great news came when I graduated! After my degree program, I was appointed as a lecturer in my department. This was really exciting.
Although Mr. Sedik had left the University before I started lecturing, he has continued to advise me to work hard and to broaden my perspective regarding career in academia.
More than anything, I have learned to focus on developing both practical and soft-skills, especially on how to efficiently articulate my thoughts and personal opinions in public.
Since there is a lot I still have to learn, I still connect with him and other mentors who are experts in the areas I am passionate about.
Inspired to Inspire Others
I’ve learned that, sometimes, even the simplest issues can be very difficult to cope with. This is where mentors come handy! Because mentors have likely gone through most of the issues their mentees would face, they are good at sharing their experiences.
I have benefited a lot from mentorship! I have been inspired to explore, to dream big, to set goals, and to pursue them. Now, I see the need to share my experience with others in my area of expertise. And, I am glad that #MeetMentors has given me the platform to do exactly that.
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